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Private Session

  • Imagine more happiness so you wake up excited for the day ahead.

  • Imagine more clarity so your time isn't wasted and you're no longer confused, lost or purposeless.

  • Imagine a deeper connection with others - the people in your life "get you" and show more interests and love in you rather than criticism, judgement and contempt.

  • Imagine you have more peaceful moments, and you can truly rest knowing that all is well despite the world around you.

  • Imagine that you're abundant and make fantastic decisions with ease and trust. Imagine designing your life with conviction, thus never doubting again.


My "soul" purpose is the help you find your way to your desired outcome with more skills, tools, techniques and proven ways to navigate your world.


My clients include individuals, couples, families and small business entrepreneurs...all report having exceeded their expectations for counseling/coaching and they often return for clarity in tough times.

Sessions are provide in person at the Healing Center or by phone/Skype

Prices Available during the FREE 15 minute consult

Plants on the Window

Sunday Morning Fellowship

Each meeting starts with a prayer of intention, followed by a guided meditation.

Next Tracy will teach on various topics Followed by an open discussion. The meetings will close with another guided meditation and small group manifestation.

Stay after for refreshments and snacks. If you choose to stay for refreshments, please bring something to share. If weather permits bring a chair for gathering at the top of Peaceful Peak. There is also an options to create a fire circle; and of course, we can meet in the warmth of my home.

2019 Topics

  • January:  How to Allow Your Life to Unfold

  • February: Shake Free From the Limits that Bind You

  • March: Fun, Fabulous Fun: How to Create it Everyday

  • April: Turning up the Joy: It's All in Your Mind

  • May: Expectancy ~ How to Make the Most Out of Life

  • June: Balance ~ How to practice Self-Love without being Selfish

  • July: Let Your Inner Being Shine Forth ~ Gratitude, Appreciation, Creation

  • August: Clarity Reigns Supreme ~ Use Your Mind to Clear Your Mind

  • September: E-motions ~ How to Master You emotions in 4 Easy Steps

  • October: Happiness ~ I Want it, but...What Don't I Have it

  • November: Rev Up Your Engine:  Go From Powerless to Fully Empowered

  • December: How to Make Everyday a Holy Day ~ Commitments, Traditions & Practices




Individualized Health & Wellenss Assessments

As an Authorized Independent Distributor for Standard Process, the visionary leader in whole food nutrient solution, Tracy can get you on your way to wellness.


She offers personal treatment planning regarding diet, exercise, detox and supplemental supports.

Standard Process has a 400 + acre of organic produce used in their supplements as well as an innovative research campus in Kannapolis, NC. The first-of-its-kind,


The Nutrition Innovation Center is dedicated to new solutions for health care professionals and patients:

  • Whole food nutritional therapies to improve individual health and well-being

  • Wholistic clinical care

  • Leverage organic and sustainable farming with regenerative practices to improve nutrient density in our plants and protect the environment

Call to get your Free Assessment 

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