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  • Writer's pictureTracy Becker

Dear Souls - Allowing

Updated: Jan 26, 2019


We are here, and we love you. There is nothing to worry or concern yourself with. The state of allowing will benefit you greatly. We mean allowing the emotions, the physical symptoms, the memories to all arise. To love them, appreciate them as you would an emotional or memory that is joyful or happy.

The practice of allowing with equanimity is fabulous. Trusting all things, and we do mean all things are unfolding as we wish for you, as you wish for you and then some. Thus we look at the teaching today as one thing leading to the next. One practice building on another.

First the allowing – meaning don’t resist what shows up internally or externally. Get to a place of releasing judgement as soon as possible. Let it be. Practice your mantras to help you release the judgement. Take yourself for a walk in the woods, i.e., shift the energy that has you trapped in self-defeating ways.

In the allowing you begin to strengthen the muscle of equanimity, meaning lack of attachment and judgement. All things being as they are, neither good, nor bad – equal. The answer is in the word itself, right?

Resist the habit to categorize internal and external situations and manifestations as good or bad. You may use prayer for this, asking for help in releasing the tight grip of judgement.

Now, we are strengthening faith and trust in the divine. If you will allow yourself to shift you attention onto the divine, and say…I trust you Lord. Then sink into the Presence, sink into a quiet space of ease and acceptance you will be building new pathways of reliance on the eternal spirit within. This place, if visited enough will begin to feel like home-the eternal place of love. Thus more easily able to notice when you are out of sync with faith, trust, ease of being, love, and then more quickly move back to it.

Learning that faith is the pathway to ease of being…also known as allowing, divine love, rejoicing, and letting go.

We ask that you use these simple exercises in your daily life and watch your life unfold in new ways, yet ways that feel comforting and loving. New eternal life will rise up from within your heart and soul reviling in great ease.

We, Divine Consciousness, channel messages to Tracy. She has agreed to be of service in this way. She come to us with no agenda, just an openness to translate the vibrational codes we send her into words that are relevant for your time. We are grateful for her open channel and she is equally grateful to us. We are also available for private individual sessions. If you receive a nudge, feeling or impulse to receive a personal message from us, please contact Tracy and she will set this up for you. You must choose a clear topic you would like guidance, feedback or insight on and we will respond in kind.

Blessed be dear souls, blessed be, Divine Consciousness through Tracy Becker (Un-edited)

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