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  • Writer's pictureTracy Becker

Dear Souls - Holidays


Dear Souls, We are here for you. Today we wish to talk about the holidays, or what we like to say is the Holy Days. Let us all focus on gratitude, appreciations, blessings and love. Times are turbulent within many countries, communities and families. Let us suggest a re-focus toward our own homes. How can you bring more love, harmony and peace within this home, our home? How can you impact this? What responsibility will you take on to help ensure this re-focusing?

The road is littered with many obstacles and distractions making it easy to get anxious, fearful and blaming. Yet the road is equally or more filled with gems of kindness, love, appreciation and gratitude. It is merely how you choose to look at it all. Do you have eyes to see in a different way?

Yes, we say each and every one of you has the eyes to see this in a different light, however old habits, old routines, old wounds and old expectations can more often get in the way of your best intentions. Peace on Earth is such a wonderful concept, yet a too large of a jump to manifest this month, right? But, you can make progress in your own mind and heart and this will impact others you are around. Even if you think they will never change…you do have impact…what will it be?

With a new clear focus, a sincere and honest look at the qualities and the quantity of peace you have within your own mind, heart, home, car, office, etc. you can make changes and experience more peace this holiday season. If you will empower yourself to take action to do your best to generate peace within, powered by your best intentions and honest efforts you will feel more accomplished. You will be able to see clearer pathways for your own healing and your role in helping others heal.

Be the peace, be the love, be the light, be the joy and rejoice in your precious human life. An old saying Tracy often uses is: An ego in search of evidence always finds it. Meaning, if you go searching for the aspects of others that annoy you – you will find them. In turn, if you go searching for aspects of others that are beautiful and delightful – you will find these too.

We ask that you go searching for the beautiful and delightful and not only revile in these, become these things to others. Be the blessing, be the smile, be gracious and when you go out into the world seeking this, you will attract it to you and find the joy and peace within – taking it with you wherever you go. Thus you will activate within you the eyes that see and the ears that hear the good. Even in the more difficult situations you can cultivate peace….even for just a second or two.

If you don’t believe us, sincerely try this for one day, or part of a day. Shift your habitual thoughts, mindset and actions and be willing to see what you’ve never looked for before. Be willing to hear what you’ve never listened to before. Then be what you’ve never been before. Give joy even in the smallest of ways. Be more kind, gentle, peaceful, loving, joyful, happy, and giving. Practice random acts of kindness.

You change the world by changing one mind at a time starting with yours. Then the people you have influence and impact on get to know a more favorable you. They may follow suit, or they may be in awe, or they may be jealous. It matters not, it matters only that you change you for the better.

Again, be the source of peace, the source of love, the source of gratitude, the source of joy in your daily interactions with others. With this in mind, choose and direct your own path in conscious ways. Release the victimhood and blame. Take your own choice back. Shift from your own ego driven will to Thy Will. From small minded to empowered. From limits and I cant’s to choices, I can and I will. Let your disillusionment fuel your illuminated freedom – soar – lead in the most beautiful ways possible because in the end game it isn’t between you and the circumstances surrounding you, it is between you and your creator…and…what do you want that conversation to look like?

We, Divine Consciousness, channel messages to Tracy. She has agreed to be of service in this way. She come to us with no agenda, just an openness to translate the vibrational codes we send her into words that are relevant for your time. We are grateful for her open channel and she is equally grateful to us. We are also available for private individual sessions. If you receive a nudge, feeling or impulse to receive a personal message from us, please contact Tracy and she will set this up for you. You must choose a clear topic you would like guidance, feedback or insight on and we will respond in kind.

Blessed be dear souls, blessed be, Divine Consciousness through Tracy Becker (Un-edited)

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