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  • Writer's pictureTracy Becker

Dear Souls - Clarity

Updated: Jan 26, 2019


November 2018

Dear Soul(s),

We are here to answer your questions about clarity. Clarity is such a delicious thing to have. It would be great if you could buy it in a bottle at the local store, correct? Here’s the reason that many times clarity is kept from you – for your own growth and healing. In this day and time the ‘normal’ yet unfortunate response is to do, do, do without sincerely taking the time to go within for accuracy and best direction on what to do, or not to do. Thus, at times, if clarity or insight is given too soon you will often want to put action to it right away. If actioning the clarity happens too soon, disappointment and lack of success will ensue. All the effort may be wasted with no desired outcome. When clarity is truly not at your fingertips the best action is to go back to faith and surrender, trusting all will be revealed in the perfect divine timing.

Now, having said that, sometimes in your fears you deny clarity. You ask, sincerely ask, it arrives from us, yet your fears and doubts take over. The lack of faith and trust rises up so fast that you override the clarity and paralyze or sabotage the clarity and your own success. Thus arises the importance in the process of healing your fears. First by recognizing them as they arise and taking action to soothe them, quiet the mind by whatever healthy means available to you, and have stillness without fear. In this you are able to regain the connection to the clear massages coming your way – even if the clear message is to wait…wait for the inspiration, the divine intervention, the clandestine meeting, the inspiration fueled desire, the sweet sweet messages, the profound dream…and thus it goes in allowing the messages to come forth and breath yourself into faith and trust you won’t be let down. Can you do this?

Can you not act from the ego’s impulse to push that button, make that call, text that message, make that purchase…can you? Can you release yourself from the reaction, the rush, the urgency and sit still -talk to your inner being – the I Am Presence within? Can you wait 24-48 hours? Can you wait and allow clarity that is in your best interest, to come?

Some of you will train yourself to do such. Some will not and will continue to seek fulfillment from external sources, wondering why things aren’t happening for you the way you wanted or planned. Thus perpetuating the longing, self-doubt, fear, feeling as if something were wrong with you, comparing self with others and many other forms of self-inflicted pain and suffering.

Pain and suffering are in alignment with fear. Oh, they so are. To overcome this dynamic it will take authentic reflection and honesty with self. Not seeking other to agree with you about your mindset and efforts, but YOU being honest about your limited, hurtful, painful approaches to self and others.

It is up to you in this world of free will to overcome, rise above and heal this as well as allowing life to come to you in glorious ways. If and only if you can stay present in faith, and when you stray, to come back to faith, and to ground yourself in faith, and do your best to experience it fully…experience it as much as you experience the fear and then some… can you imagine what will occur?

So, what will it be? Faith or Fear – the constant moment by moment choice.

We love you! We cheer you on more than you know! We dangle faithfulness in front of you constantly. We want nothing more than your remembrance of joyful fulfillment and glorious freedom when you allow faith to be dominant.

We, Divine Consciousness, channel messages to Tracy Becker. She has agreed to be of service in this way. She come to us with no agenda, just an openness to translate the vibrational codes we send her into words that are relevant for your time. We are grateful for her open channel and she is equally grateful to us. We are also available for private individual sessions. If you receive a nudge, feeling or impulse to receive a personal message from us, please contact Tracy and she will set this up for you. You must choose a clear topic you would like guidance, feedback or insight on and we will respond in kind.

Blessed be dear souls, blessed be, Divine Consciousness through Tracy Becker (Un-edited)

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