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  • Writer's pictureTracy Becker

Get Grateful for Everything

Dear Souls,

We are here for you. We only wish to serve you all in this journey of awakening. You are doing well. It is good to join one another on this expedition.

Today we will speak to you on gratitude and the mindset of thanksgiving. You do know that there are blessings all around you. In these blessings there is always an opportunity to expand, allow and surrender in gratitude to what is. Even in the situations that you deem bad or unwanted.

Begin the practice of thank your Self for the opportunity to learn, grow, overcome and move forward. An author we have encouraged, Eckhart Tolle, has written a statement to help you with this.

This is exactly the way I planned this.

In this statement you take ownership of your unconscious or unintended manifestations and/or you surrender to the divine plan mapped out for you. When you do this, you are able to release the resistance that pinches you off from your expansion. In gratitude, in self-responsibility you grow. It’s easy. Be grateful for everything.

Tracy often mentions that one of her, our great teachers, told her, Everything is a gift, it just doesn’t always come wrapped to your likely. Of course, at the time, this cause resistance to her too. As throughout the journey you allow the resistance to move you forward in your growth, and in this case, in your gratitude and appreciation for all that is.

When you can use the steps referred to in your mission statement you know that you start with faith, what does that mean? It means trusting in everything. That’s what it means, stop questioning, knowing everything is for you to learn, grow and expand in your journey, and thus, gratitude is the response.

The next step is surrender, what does that mean? It means to let go, graciously and willingly let go, watch and wait, create the energy of allowing and magnetizing to you that which is in your best interests to fulfill your destiny, no matter what it is.

Thus, it is with gratitude that we are here for you. Grateful for the opportunity speak to every one of you, grateful for this gathering of willing and open souls desiring to understand, to know, to be freer to express unlimited love and joy. How could life get any better than this, we ask?

So please, take as many moments as you can throughout your days and look for things to be thankful for. This new season of spring is so full of them. There is birth and growth all around you for all of your lower senses to enjoy. Thus do this, enjoy, be grateful for the things, the people, the places the changes the gifts that are not wrapped to your liking and the ones that are, because there is truly nothing else, but gifts and blessing, gifts and blessings, gifts and blessing.

Blessed be dear souls, blessed be, Divine Consciousness through Tracy Becker (Un-edited)

We, Divine Consciousness, channel messages to Tracy. She has agreed to be of service in this way. She come to us with no agenda, just an openness to translate the vibrational codes we send her into words that are relevant for your time. We are grateful for her open channel and she is equally grateful to us. We are also available for private individual sessions. If you receive a nudge, feeling or impulse to receive a personal message from us, please contact Tracy and she will set this up for you. You must choose a clear topic you would like guidance, feedback or insight on and we will respond in kind.

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