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I Lose My Patience

Updated: Dec 13, 2019

You’ve Got This by Tracy Becker

Tom asks: I tend to lose my patience with immature adults, I’d like to not do this. Can you help?

Good day, Tom and thanks for this great question. I do believe it is a double edge sword. One side is your belief and judgement about this person. The other is your willingness to be influenced by this judgement.

When we judge, believe or otherwise think less than of anyone else we set ourselves up for discontent. Now, I am not saying that there aren’t people in the world that behave less than ideal however, if we choose to focus on them and let ourselves get upset about it, we then are acting out too.

I know this might be tough to hear, but it is true. Anytime we focus on anything negative, then we are being negative or limited in our beliefs, thoughts, words and often actions. Thus, you must decide if you are going to allow someone else’s behavior to influence your peace. This sounds like a dumb question as it is obvious anyone would say no, I’m not going to allow this, but unfortunately, we do.

Having said this, I invite you to soothe your opinions and judgments about others and yourself. Instead create enough emotional and mental space in your personal world to allow other adults do their life the way they want to without judgment or criticisms from you.

Next, empower yourself to feel peace and patience with all beings and you will find yourself no longer concerned over others, and only focused on determining how you want to feel in any given moment. Now, isn’t that powerful?

As you can see, Tom, in the end it is about your strong desire to stay in peace. It is not the other person’s behavior that needs to dictate the way you feel.

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