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  • Writer's pictureTracy Becker


You’ve Got This – Success Story

Tracy Becker

Tamara wrote in about feeling intimidated by others boldness and options and writes back to tell us of her success.

Tamara said that a lot of her intimidation came from her work setting, as she works in an industry that is dominated by males. She said that she often let their demands influence her, thus causing her to feel as if she didn’t know what to do to make the customer happy.

In addition, she was relying on her boss more than necessary. She also was in a bad habit of answering her work cell phone after hours and while she was on vacation. This was causing a build up of resentment and exhaustion.

Happily, Tamara reports that she got busy right away changing herself. She kept affirming to herself that she had been successful in this industry for over 20 years. She knew how to do her job, and this was evident in her bonuses and in her reviews. She also realized that she knew exactly how to solve the customers problems and just because it was an angry or frustrated male customer calling, she didn’t have to react with fear and self-doubt.

One of the most important things she did was let most of the customer calls go to her voice mail. This way she could listen to the complaint and not the anger, frustration or tone of voice. This made it easier for her to solve the problem before she ever talked to the customer. She said this has been a life saver. As in the past, when she would pick up on every call, she was often angry too and prepared to be intimidated by their demands. Thus, these conversations left both parties not feeling satisfied.

Tamara also said that she hasn’t become perfect in this yet, and sometimes she answers the phone and has the old reaction, but for the most part these times are fewer and fewer. She also wants us all to know that without some help and direction she would still be feeling a lack of success no matter what her paycheck and reviews said. Now she is having greater ease in accepting that she is good, and maybe even great at her job.

Way to go, Tamara!

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